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Join Thousands of Others on Burnalong!

*LIVE online classes most Tuesdays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 10:00 AM, Eastern.
*New yoga classes posted weekly.
* Select breath coach trainings included.
*Select Emotional Eating Breakthrough Trainings included.

All this for around $5 a month! 
Family and Friends Discount Codes:
FRIENDSMONTH ($10 off monthly membership)
FRIENDSYEAR ($71 off annual membership)

Let's Get Started!

Live Online Private +1 Classes 

You and a friend can benefit from a variety of different practices to increase your fitness level, maybe loose some weight or gain flexibility, and decrease your daily stress load.

Flexibility Class 

Flexibility is so important to success in any sport and is very necessary in today's world of computer use and sitting at a desk all day. And did you also know that one key to aging gracefully and healthily is flexibility? These weekly Science of Stretching ™ classes will guide you through long hold poses that will release your fascia and allow your muscles to gain maximum flexibility. Best done in the evening, classes are offered privately for you + 1 . [On-demand via Burnalong]

Strength, Balance, Stretch Class

Built on a traditional vinyasa flow style class, you'll practice balances and strength poses more intensely to build stamina, strength, and increase flexibility. Options for students of all levels, beginner to advanced. You'll surprise yourself with how much you can do and how accomplished you feel at the end of class. Private + 1 classes for you and a friend. [On-demand classes via Burnalong]

Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes

Improve your flexibility, balance, and strength with a variety of yoga classes--all focused on fitness, each with a slightly different emphasis. My classes usually involve overall body fitness rather than focusing on a specific body part. Some classes emphasize breathing and rhythm from one move to the next, while others work on muscle-building and strength. Private + 1 classes for you and a friend. [On-demand classes via Burnalong]

I'm Ready!

*Class day and time subject to change without notice.

Breath Coaching 

Included in every practice, controlled breathing is an important aspect of not only a good yoga practice, but good health.  Proper breathing will help you regulate your nervous system to reduce stress, sleep better, and rev up- all without stimulants or depressants.* Private classes and breathing workshops available upon request. 

Coffee Breathing

Coffee Breathing or "Breath of Fire" is an up-regulating breathing technique that's great to use first thing in the morning or just before a workout.  we use it at the beginning of all classes. It stimulates your sympathetic nervous system and gets your adrenaline flowing. *Do not ever use while driving, in a pool or bathtub, or any other place where you could be unsafe.

Water Breathing

Water Breathing or Balanced Breathing is a neutral breathing technique that can be used any time, any place, safely. It's a great way to calm down after a stressful situation or before an important meeting. Find yourself falling asleep in the middle of the day? It works as a healthy pick-me-up too! This is the controlled breathing technique we use throughout most classes. 

Whiskey Breathing

Whiskey breathing or 4:8 Breathing is a down-regulating breathing technique that calms. It activates your parasympathetic nervous system, the rest and digest portion of your nervous system and is useful before bed or prior to flexibility training. *Do not ever use while driving or in a pool or bathtub or any other place where you could be unsafe. We use whiskey breathing in our flexibility classes.

I'm Ready for All of This!

*Nothing here should be considered medical or psychological advice. Dr. Beth is merely sharing techniques that have worked for her and her clients. If you have any medical concerns, please consult your physician. 

More Happy Students!

See what students of all abilities have been saying...

"Great motivating energy! I'll definitely repeat this class!"

"Thank you so much for your empathy!"

"I loved Beth's class and could follow along very well!"

"You always give different options for all yogi levels! Class feels like a vacation!"

"I attend Beth's class as an act of self-care!"!"

"Beth offers clearly articulated instructions and modifications!"

"Beth is kind to new yogis!"

"Classes with lots of energy and enthusiasm!"

5 stars from students around the world

I'm Ready!

Certificates and Affiliations

Copyright © Beth Meltzer 2022